The Sleep Guru
Bringing Science & Spirituality Together To Help People Finally Understand Their Sleep
Sleep Challenge

Reset Your Sleep With The Stairway To Sleep Method

For anyone who struggles falling asleep or staying asleep.
Reset Your Sleep Routine In Just 5-Days to Get The Sleep You Deserve!

  • In just 5-days you'll discover how to re-establish a new and improved sleep routine
  •  RESET your relationship with sleep and transform your Tossing & Turning Torment into Restful, Restorative, Rejuvenating sleep.
  • ​ Learn The Stairway to Sleep Method to transition your body, emotions, mind, and spirit from “Daytime Doing Mode'' to “Bedtime Being Mode”
  • ​Learn a reliable process to fall asleep or get back to sleep if you wake up in the middle of the night.
  • Release the stress and anxiety that often comes with bedtime, and start to feel relaxed and a sense of ease and flow as you turn in for the night
"I have been using Brendon’s sleep meditation after trying everything else to cure my insomnia. I am now slowly experiencing deeper, longer sleeps…even after waking up in the middle of the night, I listen to it and can fall asleep again. Please check this out if you are experiencing any difficulty sleeping."
- Julie A., 
Author, Speaker, and CEO
"I go to sleep every night with your 30-minute meditation. 
It's a great way to help me get more in touch with my inner body. 
THANK YOU for that gift to the world!"
- David J.
"Brendon has studied and immersed himself for decades to find the peace and relaxation that is everyone’s birthright. I recommend his offerings to soothe, strengthen and root your being back to its naturalness, allowing your life to be one of clarity, creativity, deep resourcefulness, and warm heartedness.”

- Pamela Wilson,
Spiritual Teacher, Author
Brendon has been a featured expert on:


The Sleep Guru
Bringing Science & Spirituality Together To Help People Finally Understand Their Sleep

My Name is Brendon Lumgair. 
Some People Call Me The "Sleep Guru," 
But I Want To Show You How To Be 
Your Own Sleep Guru.

Since 2008 I’ve taught over 25,000 people to de-stress and sleep better using yoga, breathing, and meditation tools and techniques. 

I’ve taught thousands of people how to get the sleep they need to RECHARGE tonight, so they can THRIVE tomorrow in their business/career, health, and relationships.

In my 15+ year journey to becoming the Sleep Guru, I straddled two worlds.

In one, I was an ex-military officer, and up until recently, a working and teaching professional Engineer.

In the other world, while doing my job in a skyscraper downtown and teaching in the classroom, I attended retreats with spiritual teachers like Eckhart Tolle, Adyashanti, and Deepak Chopra.

Most of us are like this, finding ways to get through the day while feeling pulled in different directions.

But no matter what I did, or the struggles I've faced, I've always been called back to teaching sleep.

The Sleep Reset 5-Day Challenge runs
Sunday, Sept. 19th through Thursday, Sep. 23th